Let's kick off the new year with a fresh burst of energy and a focus on building lasting, sustainable wellness habits.
Our January special, crafted by our owner and practitioner, Peter Glanville, offers a straightforward solution for those looking to begin the year with a healthy start. Our team at Integrative Medicine NW often encounters individuals eager to set wellness goals but unsure of where to start. To help guide the way, Peter has put together a practical, effective bundle that provides a gentle yet powerful detox experience. This program will help replenish your body with essential nutrients while setting you on the path to healthier habits. Discover more and get inspired by our latest blog on 5 Essential Habits to Boost Your Metabolic Health in the New Year.
This bundle includes:
1 - Clear Change® 10-Day Program with UltraClear® RENEW
2 - Alpha Lipoic Acid IV Infusions
2 - Glutathione IM Injections
To purchase, come into the clinic, select the UltraClear® RENEW flavor, and schedule your ALA IVs and Glutathione injections. You can also receive a bundle certificate to schedule at your convenience.
If you'd like to purchase the Metagenics Clear Change® 10-Day Program with UltraClear® RENEW separately, you can find it on our supplement website, Fullscript. Under Community Plans, search for "Step One Detox Plan" to access Peter’s recommended detox supplements.
Have questions? We’d love to help answer them! Give us a call at 509-584-5303!
(over 20% savings!)
Boost Your Glow: Supplements for Every Goal!
Did you know we have an online supplement store that has over 350+ top brands, including Thorne, Biotics Research, Ancient Nutrition, Buddha Teas, Dr. Bronner's, Four Sigmatic, Garden of Life, ION* Intelligence of Nature, Metagenics, and so many more! With so many online supplement stores, knowing which brands are truly high quality or even what supplements are right for you can be challenging. When you purchase from our practitioner-designed wellness store, Fullscript, you can be confident you're getting carefully selected, top-tier products that align with your health and wellness goals.
How does it work? By shopping with us through the Integrative Medicine NW store link, you can access these trusted brands and personalized recommendations tailored to your unique needs. Plus, you're supporting a local business dedicated to your long-term health and well-being. As a thank you for your support, we offer 10% off every purchase through our IMNW store!
Follow this link to sign up and save!
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What is ALA and the Clear Change 10-Day Program with UltraClear RENEW?
1) The Clear Change 10-Day Program from Metagenics is designed to enhance the body's natural metabolic detoxification process while providing adequate fuel for cleansing and other daily activities—providing energy and support for overall well-being. Completing a 10-day metabolic detoxification program two to three times a year may be beneficial for some individuals.*
Nutritional support for Phase I, II, and III detoxification
Includes additional metabolic detoxification and antioxidant support*
Includes detailed program guide with comprehensive menu plan*
2) Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant that collaborates with the mitochondria, the energy-producing centers of the body, to enhance metabolism, reduce inflammation, detoxify, and counteract some of the oxidative damage associated with aging. Additionally, it is utilized as a complementary treatment in cancer care. Some potential benefits of receiving an alpha-lipoic acid IV treatment include:
Eliminates unwanted toxins like metals or mycotoxins
Restoration of other antioxidant levels
Reduction in blood sugar levels
Symptom improvement in diabetic or chemotherapy-related peripheral neuropathy
Slow cell damage caused by free radicals and environmental toxins
Support energy production(mitochondria)
3) Glutathione IM Injections - Glutathione is a potent antioxidant produced by the liver and found in certain sulfur-rich fruits and vegetables. Composed of three key amino acids—glycine, glutamate, and cysteine—this antioxidant serves as a protective barrier against toxins and free radicals that can harm cells. However, the body's capacity to produce glutathione diminishes with age, as well as due to factors like poor diet, stress, and exposure to environmental toxins. To counter this deficiency, glutathione injections are often used to boost the body's natural levels of this essential antioxidant.